3 DIY Steps To The Law Of Attraction

Steps In The Clouds




To Turbo Charge getting what you want, follow my 3 DIY Steps To The Law Of Attraction.


All 3 steps can be accomplished by you, for FREE, without having to purchase a high priced law of attraction course. I’ll explain how to do each step a little later.


For people who want the right answer to, What Is Law Of Attraction, I’ll simplify it for you. The law of attraction is getting all the things you want in life by taking the right steps. What is the secret to the law of attraction? The secret is knowing what steps to take, how to do them & when.




1. How To Law Of Attraction – What Not To Do
2. Law Of Attraction Secret #1
3. Law Of Attraction Secret #2
4. Law Of Attraction Secret #3
5. My Personal Law Of Attraction Tips




Whenever you’re trying to learn something new, you need the How To’s, to be successful.


I’m sure you want to accelerate the time it takes to get the things you want. Does it seem like it takes forever to manifest one little thing? If that’s the case, I know one of the things that could be holding you back.


Believe it or not, the things you think or say out loud will either excel or slow down your success. What are you feeling right now? If you’re thinking, “What a bunch of crap this is,” answer a question for me. What have you manifested into your life lately? How long did it take? Are you still wishing for it?


Your subconscious mind plays a significant role in your success. I heard a story once. Maybe you’ve heard it too. A man was dying from a disease. The doctor said there was a new medication that just came out, & it would cure what he had. The pill had nothing in it. The man so believed this pill was going to heal him, that it did.


Some people call it mind over matter. It’s your subconscious mind at work. If you can get your subconscious mind to believe something, it’ll do a lot of the work for you. It’ll attract whatever you need to accomplish your dream. On the other hand, if you keep thinking & saying negative things, your subconscious mind will attract that instead. It attracts what it hears you think & say.


Before you start with my 3 steps to succeed at getting the things you want, there’s a couple of things you have to eliminate first.


So the WRONG THING TO DO when you’re trying to manifest something into your life is THINKING & SAYING NEGATIVE THINGS. To be blunt, quit being a compulsive complainer. I’ll be blunt one more time. The time you waste complaining, you could be working towards your goal or have it by now.


The RIGHT THING TO DO is stop yourself when you’re having negative thoughts or complaining and say, “Is this what I want to attract into my life?” Now replace that thought with something you do want.


Now it’s on to my, 3 DIY Steps To The Law Of Attraction.


Law Of Attraction Secret






Question Marks In A CircleThe first secret to the law of attraction is not just vividly picturing what you want. It’s imperative that you feel the excitement you’ll have when you manifest it into your life.


The last thing you want when it comes to manifestation is to learn everything by trial & error. It’s a lot easier if someone gives you the, How To’s.


Let’s start with, what is visualization? Visualization is seeing your dream using all 5 senses. You need to look at it, hear it, feel it, taste it & smell it. Visualization is being able to see every little detail of your dream.


Visualize what you want. If you’re new to manifesting using the law of attraction, start by picking one thing. I usually write everything down on a piece of paper. Don’t mind me; I have this thing for writing stuff on paper.


It’s imperative that you learn how to visualize. The steps for visualization is pretty simple. Write down the answers to the following questions.


What Is It You Want Right Now?
What Color Is It?
What Does It Feel Like? Is it rough or smooth? Is it slippery? I think you get my drift.
What does it smell like? Ok, if it’s a house you want, you can’t smell it or can you? When you walk into this new house, can you smell the flowers you might have in it? Maybe you can still smell the paint a bit
What does it sound like? If you try, you’ll also be able to hear your house. Perhaps you hear your favorite music playing when you walk through the doors. Maybe there’s a window open & you can hear the ocean
What does it taste like? Time to use the power of imagination again. It’s kind of impossible to taste a house. Let’s say when you walk into your home for the first time; you’re holding a cup of your favorite coffee. What does it taste like as you walk around to look at everything? Maybe your realtor left a box of chocolates on the counter. What do they taste like?


Whatever it is you want, make sure you use all of your five senses. I did it above with a house. I’m sure you can do the same with whatever it is you want.



Before you start thinking visualization is a bunch of crap or that it doesn’t work, keep reading. Let’s use our imagination again. If you were planning for someone’s 50th anniversary, wouldn’t you visualize all the things you want to get to make it a success?


By focusing on the anniversary, you’ll keep coming up with all sorts of ideas that you can add to your list. Even when you’re not thinking about it, ideas will pop up. Why do more ideas keep coming up? You’ve more or less painted a picture for your subconscious & it’s helping you.


Visualization will help you focus on what it is you want. It also makes a vivid picture for your subconscious mind. Your subconscious, in return, will come up with ideas. It could just happen to lead you to the right people who can help. It might attract someone to give it to you. You could even win the money to buy it, or you could get an inheritance. Nothing Is Impossible.


Visualization will Power Your Subconscious Mind. It will accelerate the time it takes to manifest something into your life. If you’re still a skeptic, Psychology Today has a good article on the Power Of Visualization. Turn visualization into a habit & you’ll accelerate your manifestation time a bit more.


Great Job. Ok, now let’s move on to the LOA Secret #2.


LOA Secret







Rainbow Question Mark Affirmations or the second secret to the law of attraction is very important to learn and write. Like I said earlier, what you think & say will determine whether you advance to your goal at an accelerated rate or move at the speed of a turtle.



Now for the How To’s for affirmations. The best place to start is with, What Not To Do. I warned you at the beginning of this article about the effects of negative talking & thinking. Now it’s time to do something about it. For everything you think & say that’s negative, do the following 3 things.


1. Stop & Think, Do I Want That In My Life
2. Replace It With A Positive Affirmation
3. Also, Add An Affirmation Of Gratitude


For best results, get into the habit of doing this every time you have a negative thought. That goes for everything you think & say.


I’ll give you an example. Once again we’ll use the example of trying to manifest a new house into your life.


When you see a house you like, don’t think or say something like, “I’ll never be able to afford something like that.” How do you know you’re not going to get a great job promotion? You could even win the lottery. Never say never. Do the following three things.


1. Stop and think. Do I never want to be able to get my dream house
2. Replace it with a positive affirmation like, I’m looking for a home that’s over 3,000 sq ft & one that’s overlooking the ocean.
3. Now add a gratitude affirmation like, I’m so grateful I was able to purchase the house of my dreams. Don’t just say it. Feel the excitement. In other words, how would you feel if someone just handed you the home of your dreams?


To begin with, write down all the negative things that run through your mind when there’s something you want. Now list positive affirmations. These are the ones you’ll use every time one of those ugly thoughts pop up.



The good thing about affirmations is that you don’t need any extra time. I do mine when I walk to the gym in the morning or washing dishes at night. I use affirmations a few times throughout the day. Just for a few seconds each time.


Get a piece of paper. Write down as many good affirmations that you can think of concerning your dream. Make the statements sound like you’ve already manifested it into your life. For a house, you could say such things as:


1. I love looking out my window & seeing the cruise ships go floating by & hearing them blow their horns
2. I’m so grateful I was able to buy the house I’ve dreamed about all my life.
3. It’s so peaceful sitting on my couch, drinking coffee & looking at the beautiful scenery through my window


The secret here is, don’t just rattle off a bunch of words. Vividly see the things you’re saying. Feel the excitement you’ll have when you finally get what you want.



Affirmations are proven methods of self-improvement because of their ability to rewire your brain. Affirmations help get rid of the crap in your mind. It plays an integral role in breaking negative thought patterns, harmful speech, and most importantly, adverse actions.


If you’re still a skeptic when it comes to affirmations, read a study done by, The US National Library of Medicine.


Turn affirmations into a habit & you’ll accelerate your manifestation time a bit more. By combining it with visualization, you’ll accelerate it even more.



LOA Secrets






question marks in circleWhat is meditation for? It’s one of the best ways to stay focused & motivated on your dream. You can meditate to quiet your mind & relax, but you can also use it to supercharge getting the things you want in life.


Now for the How To’s for Meditation. We’ll start with what not to do first. Remember, meditation is to clear your mind so you can focus on what you want. When you begin to meditate, don’t do things like:


Let your mind wander back to what someone did or said that upset you
Start thinking about something stressful that’s going on in your life
Start worrying about one of your friends or relatives
What you want to do on the weekend


You need to keep all distractions out. I’ll warn you; this isn’t an easy thing to do. It does take practice.



It makes no difference how you meditate. You can lay down, sit up, stand up, sit cross-legged or use any other position you want. You can even do it while you walk through the park. I like laying down the best.


I don’t know how hectic your day is. Start with 5 minutes & work your way up to at least 15. Do it once a day even if it’s just for 5 minutes.


STEP #1 – When I meditate, I like listening to music that’s relaxing. If you do, turn some on. It’s not necessary to listen to music. Some people love total silence. Make sure you pick a time when you won’t have any distractions.


STEP #2 – Get into the position you want. Clear your mind. To begin with, you don’t want to be thinking about anything. In other words, you want your mind to be blank.


STEP #3 – Remember how I told you to visualize at the beginning of this article? If you forget, please go back & read, Law Of Attraction – Secret #1. This is the most crucial step of all. Now, for the next 5-15 minutes keep still & do nothing but visualize what you want to manifest. Make sure to use all 5 senses.


Let’s use the house example again. What I would do is pretend someone just gave me a house & it’s the first time seeing it. I can feel the excitement as I look around. I would also vision what I would see going through each room. As I go into each room, I’ll feel the excitement increase more & more.



Meditation and the law of attraction go hand in hand. We’ll start with, what is meditation good for? Meditation is to help us quiet our minds. It helps us get rid of all the junk in our minds especially the thoughts that tell us it probably won’t work. In return, it increases our power to focus. That’s focusing on what you want to manifest.


Meditation paints a vivid picture for your subconscious mind. Without being interrupted with negative thoughts, your subconscious mind can work even faster at attracting the things you’ll need to accomplish your goal. Your Subconscious will work a lot faster when it’s not being interrupted with negativity.


Let’s say you’re working on a speech you’re going to give at your next meeting. Let’s say you’re constantly being interrupted. Between the frustrations of the interruptions, there’s a good possibility that you’ll forget to include something. How much longer is it going to take you to complete the speech?


Combine Meditation with Visualization & Affirmations & you’ll Turbo Charge turning your Dreams Into Reality.


Many people don’t realize there’s scientific proof that meditation works. If you’re a bit skeptic about meditation, there’s a good article by Vox News on, What Science Says About Meditation.


law of attraction tips




Does the Law of Attraction work? It works just fine if you follow the steps above. It works if you have a bit of patience & don’t expect to get what you want in a week from now. That’s not impossible, but the chances are slim. The law of attraction works if you don’t give up. Why a lot of people never get what they want is because they get frustrated right away & quit.


I’m not saying, if you don’t do everything I told you, it won’t work. I have busy days too. Some days, I only have time for affirmations. Most days I do all three – Visualization, Affirmations & Meditation. What I will tell you is, the more you put into it, the faster you’ll turn your dreams into reality. That’s what I’ve experienced over the years.


My manifestation tip for visualization: Put things out that will remind you of what you want. I put a picture on my desktop & cell phone. Every time I turn them on, I’m reminded of what my goal is. The more you tell yourself what you want, the more focused & motivated you’ll become.


My Affirmations Tip: Every time a negative thought pops up, write it down. Beside it, write down a positive affirmation you’ll replace it with. Don’t stop there, write down a statement of gratitude you’ll add to it. Don’t forget; your subconscious mind attracts what you think & say.


My Manifestation tip for meditation: Meditate a bit every day. If your mind wanders off to other things besides what you want to manifest, that’s okay. When this happens, stop yourself right away & carry on with the visualization of your dream.


If you want more detailed steps on Visualization, Affirmations or Meditation, click one of the links below. I go into a lot more detail for each one.


DIY Visualization

DIY Guided Affirmations

DIY Meditation




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If you have any manifestation tips when it comes to Visualization, Affirmations or Meditation, please share them with us.


Thank you for dropping by the Manifestation Portal & reading my article on, 3 DIY Steps To The Law Of Attraction.

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