What Is NeuroGym

Programs In Neurogym



NeuroGym is a Step-By-Step, Brain Training Program produced by John Assaraf & world-renowned scientists & experts to improve 5 different areas of your life. Those areas include: Wealth, Procrastination, Business, Fear and Weight Loss.



Table Of Content For Manifestation Portal


1. What Programs Are In Neurogym
2. Science Behind Neurogym
3. Neurogym pros & cons
4. Who Is Neurogym For
5. Who Shouldn’t Use Neurogym (because of health issues)
6. My journey Going Through The Program
7. My Advice To You





The Five Programs For Success In Neurogym



Neurogym consists of 5 different programs. They’re not all combined into one. That’s what I like about it. Why pay for a program you’ll never use? You pick which area of your life you want to see success in.


The 5 areas of NeuroGym are:


Winning The Game Of Money
Winning The Game Of Procrastination
Winning The Game Of Fear
Winning The Game Of Weight Loss
Winning The Game Of Business


As long as you follow John Assaraf’s instructions every day, you will win in that area of your life.


Choose You Own Adventure





The programs in Neurogym weren’t just thrown together. They were developed by John Assaraf & world-renowned scientists & experts. All their programs use evidence-based methodologies & technologies from the fields of Behavioral Psychology & Cognitive Neurosciences. This brain training system, is evidence-based & has been proven to work. I’ve taken their, Winning The Game Of Money, program and yes it definitely works. You can read my review here.


All the programs in Neurogym were designed for training your brain to achieve high levels of success. The evidence-based technology that’s included in all NeuroGym’s products include:


Cognitive Priming
Success Meditation
Guided Hypnotherapy
Subliminal Programming
Behavioral Modification





Neurogym's Pros & Cons



Although there are numerous pros, when it comes to NeuroGym, I’ve listed 7 of the main ones below.


Step by step instructions. I don’t know about you, but I find it a lot easier if I can get step-by-step instructions on how & why you do something. I mean simple instructions. Ones that you can read once & know what to do.
NeuroGym helps you discover & remove what’s standing in your way of success.
Helps you to reach your full potential.
Gives you the skill set & the actions to take to reach your goals
Has live telephone support
30-day money back guarantee
Can pay for the program in 4 installments




Like with everything else in life, there are negative things about Neurogym too. I’ve listed 3 of them below.


The price I would have to say is #1. Not everyone can afford them. When I took Winning The Game Of Money, I spent $1000.

Their programs are all different prices. The good thing is , you can pay in installments. Keep in mind, you can save quite a bit if you pay in full.

Some people say it’s too long. They just don’t have an extra 45 minutes in a day.

Some say they just don’t have time to work on something seven days a week for 12 weeks.


If your not going to put the work in & follow the program step-by-step, then don’t purchase it. You’ll be wasting you money.


Who Will NeuroGym Help



Neurogym is actually for just about everyone. Here are some examples of who it can help.


People who want to get rid of their old thoughts, fears, & habits that have prevented them from getting ahead in life.
Everyone who wants to retire young and rich or close to rich
People who don’t want to worry about money but want to be able to live a happier and more peaceful life.
People who didn’t have success with any other manifestation programs they’ve tried
Business owners who want to see their business explode
For anyone who doesn’t know how to get what they want in life or was too afraid even to try.
The ones who want to attract more business & get more sales
People who want or need to earn more money
Authors, speakers or coaches who want to get to the top of their field


Join Winning The Game Of Money


Read The Health Warnings




Almost everyone can listen to John Assaraf’s audios without having any health issues. To be honest with my readers, I like to list any health issues a person can have if they use one of the products I recommend.


If you have any of the following health conditions, I’ve listed below, PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST. To make it very clear, that means, if you have ever had or you’re prone to or if you’re at risk of having any of the following.


1. Stroke
2. Epilepsy
3. Seizures Of Any Kind
4. Brain Injury
5. Brain Surgery
6. Sleep Apnea
7. Neurological and psychiatric disorders
8. Heart Disease
9. Heart Surgery






I’ll start with why I choose to enroll in Winning The Game Of Money. No, I wasn’t flat broke, homeless or any other thing. On the other hand I wasn’t rich either. I did have one of those jobs where I would have to drag myself to work every morning. It was one of those jobs that you wished weekends were 6 days long. Winning The Game Of Money was one of the reasons I started this website.


Because I’m such a doubter, I had to see for myself. There’s been more than one case, in my life, where something has worked really well for a friend & it didn’t work at all for me.


I kept a WEEK-BY-WEEK, very detailed journal, as I went through the program. I included things like: how long it took me every week, what I liked & didn’t like & what my results were after a year.


You can read over my detailed review below. It’ll give you a good idea of what Winning The Game Of Money is all about. You should be able to tell if a program like this would work for you too.


My 12 Week Journal Using Winning The Game Of Money


I know everyone has a busy life. If you don’t have time to read my 12 week journey through the program, you can go to my results after one year. The link is below.


Winning The Game Of Money One Year Later




Advice From Manifestation Portal



Like with any new program, you get all excited about starting. Then life gets in the way & your motivation starts to drop. Then comes all the excuses like, “I just don’t have time today.”


The trick is to keep that same excitement you had when you first started until the end of the course. That goes for any program you use.


Remember, Neurogym will only work if you’re going to spend 7 days a week working on it for 12 weeks.


If you don’t think you’ll have spare time each day for 12 weeks or you just can’t afford it, DON’T GIVE UP. Follow my suggestions below.


I do have reviews on other manifestation products that don’t take as long. They’re all different price ranges. Just click on, Manifestation Products. Now, if you don’t have any money at all, read my article titled, 3 DIY Steps For Manifestation.



Leave A Comment At Manifestation Portal


For anyone who has purchased one of the programs in Neurogym, please let us know which one you completed, what you thought about it & why.


Thanks for stopping by the Manifestation Portal & reading my article on, What Is Neurogym. I hope my NeuroGym review will make your decision a little easier.

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