Natalie Ledwell






To make it short, Natalie Ledwell, went from living in Australian & being $120, 000 in debt to being one of the world’s premier Gurus in The Law Of Attraction.


Natalie & her partner, Glen wanted to change the world one person at a time by helping people to identify what they really want and showing them how to manifest it into existence.



Table Of Contents Manifestation Portal


1.  Natalie Ledwell Bio
2.  What are Natalie’s Accomplishments
3.  3 Manifestation Programs Natalie Ledwell Created
4.  Natalie Ledwell on YouTube
5.  THE TRUTH ABOUT NATALIE NOW (plus photo of her dog Bella)




Natalie Ledwell grew up in the town of Orange, South Whales Australia.  Orange was a town with a population of around 40,000 people at that time.  She grew up in a family of eight kids & lived in a 3 bedroom home.  At the age of 18, she moved to Sydney where she didn’t know anyone.  This is where she met Glen.


When Natalie & Glen lived in Australia, they owned the following businesses.  You’d think with all of these businesses they would have had money flying in the doors, windows & every other place.


  Direct Mail House
  Night Club
  Bathroom Advertising Business
  Alcohol Manufacturing Company
  Several Coffee Franchises


Even with all the the above, they were still having money problems.  Because things weren’t going well for them, they decided to fly to the US to be mentored by Frank Kern.  Mr. Kern held a Mastermind Class & charged $2,700 a month.  Between Frank’s mentoring & some other friends they had met, they finally got their company, Mind Movies, up & running in 2008.  They opened it up in Ocean Beach San Diego.


As of today, Natalie Ledwell & her partner Glen are two of the largest Law of Attraction Gurus in the world.  They’ve helped over 2 million people to achieve their goals by showing them the right steps to take.  They taught people how it’s possible to have abundance in all areas of their lives.  You can read Glens bio by clicking, Glen Ledwell




Right up until today, Natalie Ledwell has come a long way.  The following is a list of her accomplishments.


1.  Co-Founder of Mind Movies
2.  Host of the Inspiration Show
3.  Host of the show, Wake Up
4.  Has a best-selling book
5.  Member of the Association of Transformational Leaders (ATL SoCal)
6.  Member of the Transformational Leadership Council (TLC)
7.  Member of the Evolutionary Business Council (EBC)

8.  Helped to produce the program, The Matrix

9.  Helped to produce the program, Ultimate Success Master Class (USM)

8.  In 2014 she launched Mind Movies for kids

9.  In 2014 she launched New Gen Mind Movies for teens.





From being in debt, Natalie along with her partner, Glen, went on to produce the following 3 Manifestation Programs.

buy mind movies

 MindMovies 4.0


This is Natalie’s next generation informational visualization tool.  It’s a tool she created to help you create a 3-minute long video vision board.  The vision board is about the life you’ve always dreamed of having.


Mind Movies consists of powerful affirmations, images, video clips, uplifting music and Brainwave Entrainment.  It’s easy to make.  All you have to do is watch the movie for 3 minutes a day. What it does is, reprogram your subconscious mind to help you obtain the life you’ve always dreamed of having.


To read the detailed review I did on Mind movies, click What Is Mind Movies?


Mind Movies MatrixMind Movies Matrix


With this program, Natalie & Glen included advanced brainwave entrainment, subliminal messaging & the power of Mind Movies to optimize your brain in every area of your life.


To accomplish this, Natalie had Morry Zelcovitch, one of the worlds expert in brainwave entrainment, help her.  The program takes 6 minutes a day.


To read the detailed review I did on Mind Movies Matrix, click Mind Movies Matrix Review.


Ultimate Success MasterclassUltimate Success Masterclass (USM)


This is a program Natalie and Glen produced to revolutionize, Ultimate Success. She helps you to step into the true power of your ability to create the lifestyle and success you’ve always dreamed about.


This fully immersive success school puts you in direct contact with Natalie.  It also puts you side-by-side with incredible mentors to support your transformation every step of the way.


I also did a detailed review on the, Ultimate Success Masterclass.  You can read my review by clicking, What Is The Ultimate Success Masterclass?




In the following video, Natalie is answering questions from people who are having problems with the law of attraction.  It’s 18:37 minutes long but it’s well worth listening too.  Natalie has a lot of great tips to try.  If you can’t listen to the entire video at least listen to the first part.  This is Natalie at work helping people.






Natalie Ledwell is an Aussie who believes nothing is impossible.  She’s now a non-conformist, risk taker and also a rule breaker.


You can tell Natalie loves dogs.  The picture to your left is her dog Bella.


Generous & kindhearted are two more of the character traits Natalie has.  She started a program in Colombia (in the most poverty stricken areas of the country) called, “PD for Kids”.  It’s a personal development program and is being taught to over 10,000 children.  PD for kids is a powerful children’s curriculum designed to help these children establish a strong foundation for the rest of their lives.  Natalie wants these children to be able to see their lives beyond their current circumstances.  She’s helping them to learn how to take their thoughts & dreams & turn them into reality.


On top of all that, Natalie has become an authentic and internationally renowned motivational speaker.  Right now, she’s striving to hit her goal of helping over 10 million adults and kids live the lives they were destined to live.  A life full of passion, joy & happiness.


Natalie also wrote a book called, “Never In Your Wildest Dreams”  The book is about her life struggles & how she overcame her limiting beliefs and stepped into the best version of herself.


With Natalie’s qualifications & the amount of people all over the world she has helped, you know she’ll be able to help you too.






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