The following list is what I consider the TOP RATED Manifestation Products, Programs & Training on the market for 2025. Why are there so many programs out there? Like with everything else in life, not everyone likes the same thing. Also, not everyone has the same amount of spare time.
The important thing is that you find a Manifestation Program that’s highly rated & one that you’ll enjoy. It’s even more vital you find a program you’ll have time for.
The following are the programs (in Alphabetical Order) that either I’ve tried or someone I know has. Many of them offer FREE samples. Some even have quizzes you can take before you decide to buy.
The Brain Evolution System or BrainEv is a World-Winning Audio Brain Entrainment Program.
It helps train your brain to function at its full capacity — something like that of a genius.
The Brain Evolution System contains only safe and proven, specially-crafted sounds, to synchronize your Brain Waves.
Brain Ev will help you to dissolve all stress and tension, be able to relax on-demand, sharpen your thinking, get rid of negative baggage, boost your mood, improve brain power, and enjoy less sleep but with more energy levels.
Time Needed For The Brain Evolution System: The time you’ll need for this program is 30 minutes a day. To listen to one of their demos, click the picture above.
To read my detailed review, click Brain Evolution Review.
You show them what kind of life you want by choosing pictures, the law of attraction quotes & the type of music you prefer.
Mind Movies will combine all the info you give them, embed Brainwave Entrainment into it & produce a movie for you.
Time Needed For Mind Movies: This program takes about 3 minutes a day to do. If you want 6 FREE pre-made mind movies to try, click the photo above.
To get my Detailed Review, click Mind Movie Review.
Mind Movies Matix is an extension of Mind Movies. It was developed by Natalie Ledwell & Brain Entrainment expert, Morrie Zelcovitch.
The visualization movies in Mind Movie Matrix have over 1000 positive subliminal messages embedded into them. They also contain spoken Subliminals.
You don’t hear or see the subliminals when you watch the movie.
Time Needed For Mind Movies Matrix: This program takes 6 minutes. You watch 1 mind movie in the morning (3 min) & one at night (3 min).
There’s also a 60-minute audio. For this one, you don’t need headsets. You can listen to it while you’re on your computer or even when you’re watching T.V. They also include a 30-minute sleep meditation audio to listen to as you go to sleep at night. Most people are asleep within 30 minutes.
Mind Movies Matrix has a fun 30-second quiz you can take to find out what’s sabotaging your wealth, abundance & success. Just click the picture above. To read my detailed review, click MindMovies Matrix Review.
MindZoom is an Audio Visual Manifestation Program that bypasses your Conscious Mind & sends your desires directly to your Subconscious while you’re on your computer.
It accomplishes this by using SSM (silent subliminal messaging) technology.
Their SSM technology flashes affirmations across your computer screen so that only your subconscious mind can see them. At the same time, it sends audio affirmations through your speakers. Once again, only your subconscious can hear them.
Time Needed For MindZoom: You don’t need any set amount of time for this program. You do have to remember to turn it on when you’re on your computer.
For my detailed review, Click MindZoom Review.
The Ultimate Success Masterclass is a twelve-week, step-by-step program to help you achieve the goal you pick in record-breaking time.
The program is interactive with video & audio training.
Natalie & Glen Ledwell are the co-founders of this program. They’re both known as the best Law Of Attraction Gurus in the world.
Time Needed For The Ultimate Success Masterclass: On average, it’ll take you about 30 minutes a day. Do you wonder what’s draining your motivation & ability to focus? Take Natalie Ledwell’s quiz. Just click the picture above.
For my detailed review of the Ultimate Success Masterclass, click Ultimate Success Masterclass Reviews.
Unsinkable, by Sonia Ricotti, is a system to help you overcome the challenges in your life & go on to have a life you’ll love & enjoy.
This is a seven-week program that retrains your Subconscious & Conscious mind & brings your vibrational frequency level to over 500.
The purpose of this program is to help you bounce back from a life full of problems to a life filled with wealth, optimal health, inner peace, a great career, a harmonious relationship & a life of great happiness.
To read over my review of the Unsinkable Bounce Back System or to purchase it go to Sonia Ricotti.
Winning The Game Of Money is a 12-week Step-By-Step course produced by John Assaraf & world-renowned scientists & experts.
This program was developed using evidence-based methodologies & technologies from the fields of Behavioral Psychology & Cognitive neuroscience.
It’s one of the courses in John Assaraf’s NeuroGym. This program is for reprogramming and retraining your brain for Financial Success.
Time Needed For Winning The Game Of Money: On the 1st day of the week you need about 1 hour. For the other six days, depending on what level you’re at, you’ll need 30-40 minutes a day.
Click, Winning The Game Of Money with John Assaraf, for my week-by-week journey going through the program.
Please read over my detailed review of the manifestation program you would like to try before you purchase it. It’s essential you choose a program you think you’d enjoy.
MOST IMPORTANT: Even more important than the above is to make sure you’ll have time for it. I can’t stress this enough. It’s so vital that you follow the program every day and not just the days when you can manage to fit it in. Trust me — IT WILL NOT WORK — if you do that.
I’ve listed how much time you’ll need each day for every LOA Program that I’ve reviewed on this site. Once again, MAKE SURE you’ll have enough time, every day, to do the program.
I’ll be continually adding Manifestation Products to this page as I review them. Check back from time to time.
If you’ve used any of the products I’ve reviewed, please leave a comment below. Let us know what program it was, how long you spent on it each day & what your outcome was.
Thanks for stopping by the Manifestation Portal & taking a look at the Manifestation Products I’ve reviewed.
Hi Deedee,
Which company are you talking about? Let me know & I will try to help you.
I was offered free 999.00$ class ,meditation, ect… an then immediately started making me pay money . False advertising, deceitful.