Winning The Game of Money Level 9-12


Wiining The Game Of Money Review


Before I start with my Level 9 review, if you haven’t read my detailed review of Winning the Game of Money for weeks 1-4, click the link below.

Winning The Game Of Money Review button

You can also find my review for level 5-8 below.

Winning The Game Of Money Button


Table Of Content at Manifestation Portal


1. Winning The Game Of Money Level 9 Review
2. Level 10 Review
3. Level 11 Review
4. Level 12 Review
5. One Year Later





Winning The Game Of Money Lesson 9LEVEL 9 AUDIO: Letting Go Of Your Money Fears


LEVEL 9 KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS VIDEO: Achieving Your Financial Goals (part 3 of 3)



1. Knowledge & Skills Video (30 Min)
2. Audio (Innercise): 20 minutes
3. Total Time Needed: 1st day – 90 minutes (takes longer because of the workbook you complete)
4. 2nd -7th day: 20 minutes



In Level 9, of Winning The Game Of Money, Mr. Assaraf gives you a step-by-step plan of action to take to achieve your financial and non-financial goals. He also teaches you how to recognize your fears & to focus your attention & efforts on solutions to fuel your success.


In this lesson, you’re taught how to set short & long-term financial goals. You’re also taught how to develop strategies, tactics & timelines for your financial success.




Watch the knowledge & skills video
Listen to the Innercise audio once a day
Go to the additional resources & fill out the workbook
Participate in the Facebook community


Bounce Back with Dr. Srini Pillay (E-Book)

This bonus is an E-Book. The book contains 28 different inspirational images, quotes, and tips.


The purpose of the book is to help you bounce back & continue down the road to financial success & success in all areas of your life.


I wasn’t impressed with getting this as a bonus. You can read my comment below. Just remember, it’s only my opinion. Others might love something like this.


Purple Sun With Girl Doing Yoga In Front


Once again, I successfully finished Level 9 of Winning The Game Of Money.


Thumbs DownDidn’t Like About Winning the Game Of Money – LEVEL 9


When it comes to this week’s bonus, this is a tough one. In all fairness to the author, Dr. Srini Pillay did an excellent job of picking out inspirational pictures & quotes.


My problem is with this E-Book being considered a bonus for Winning The Game of Money. If you go on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram, you’ll see all sorts of inspirational pictures & quotes that are just as good if not better.


To me, a bonus is something that would cost me money if I had to purchase it. It’s not something that I can quickly get for free. OK, my rant is over. It’s just my opinion. You might purchase the program & love this week’s bonus.


Prositive Reviews Thumbs UpLiked About Winning The Game Of Money Level 9


I did love the fact that the brain retraining audio was only 20 minutes long.


As much as I dislike filling out John Assaraf’s workbook, I can see how it’s going to help me achieve financial success. His way of developing strategies, tactics & timelines is going to help me quite a bit.


Think about it. When you’re at work & have deadlines to meet, don’t you make sure you’re finished on time? Now, let’s talk about when you’re at home & you’re trying to accomplish one of your goals. If you give yourself a deadline & you make sure you achieve it on time, how could you not be successful?


Winning the Game Of Money Brain-A-Thon





Winning the Game Of Money Lesson 10LEVEL 10 AUDIO: Accelerated Wealth Re-programming #3


LEVEL 10 KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS VIDEO: Managing Your Emotions (Part 2) with Mark Waldman.



1. Knowledge & Skills Video: 50 min
2. Audio (Innercise): 40 minutes
3. Total Time Needed: 1st day – 2 hours. This first day takes longer as you have your workbook to complete.
4. 2nd -7th day: 40 minutes



In Level 10 of Winning The Game Of Money, Mark Waldman talked about making a CRAP board. CRAP stands for Conflicts, Resistance, Anxiety, and Problems. First, he has you write down your three core values. Then he has you list all your faults & weaknesses. Mark also spent time talking about the strategies to use when dealing with your emotional crap. He strongly advised people to put it near their vision board & why.



Watch the knowledge & skills Video
Listen to the Innercise audio once a day
Make a CRAP board
Participate in the Neurogym Achievers Community on Facebook


The Meta Dynamics™ Profiling Tool by Sharon Pearson.


Sharon Pearson is the Founder of The Coaching Institute.


I’m sure this bonus will help many people. It’s a 64-minute pre-recorded video. It’s more or less for someone who wants to become a coach.


I wasn’t impressed with this bonus either. I did listen to all 64 minutes. You can read why I didn’t like it below.


Black Silhouette Yoga Girl


I did finish Level 10 of Winning The Game of Money. Yes, I did listen to the Innercise Audio once a day. No, I did not join in on the private Facebook group. The problem I have with Facebook is, it wastes a lot of my time. The time I could be using to work on my goals. I will make sure I join in this coming week.


Thumbs DownDidn’t Like About Winning The Game Of Money – Level 10

Ok, here goes. I DO NOT appreciate getting a bonus that’s of no use to me. I guess the good thing is, it will help others. I take that back. If you’re planning to be a coach, it’ll tell you what’s involved. To me, this video was just a sales promo for her.


For me, 40 minutes is a long time to sit still & listen to a Brain Retraining Audio. Some people find it super relaxing & enjoy it, but I have back problems & it’s hard to sit 40 minutes straight. I lay down, but I have to be careful not to fall asleep. It is relaxing, though.


Prositive Reviews Thumbs UpLiked About Winning The Game Of Money Level 10

Even though the audio is long, you just feel at peace when you listen to it. John seemed to have all the other videos, from before, combined into this one.


I did get quite a bit out of the Knowledge & Skills Video with Mark Waldman. I found his CRAP board very useful. It’ll help me stay focused & get rid of all the negative thoughts I get from time to time about not being successful & not meeting my goals. I found him a bit hard to listen too. He has a very monotone voice. I’ll have to say that the knowledge this man has is pretty incredible.


I have been more motivated this week than I have up to now. Ideas keep popping up left & right. Ideas that will help me to reach my goals.


Winning The Game Of Money Brain A thon





Lesson 11 of Winning The Game Of MoneyLEVEL 11 AUDIO: The Beliefs & Habits Generator


LEVEL 11 KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS VIDEO: Changing Your Money Story with John Assaraf (Part 1 of 2)



1. Knowledge & Skills Video: 34 min
2. Audio (Innercise): 36 minutes
3. Total Time Needed: 1st day – 90 minutes. I’m adding another 30 minutes to complete your workbook.
4. 2nd -7th day: 36 minutes



In Level 11 of Winning The Game Of Money, John Assaraf helps you determine if you have an external or internal point of reference. This reference enables you to identify & understand why you haven’t been successful in the past.


To help you transition from having an internal point of reference to external, John uses a tool called the Beliefs & Habits Generator. He shows you how to use this generator to reprogram your brain for success.


So far, this has been my favorite & most useful lesson yet. You hear people talking about having an “ah-ha” moment. Well, I had a lot of “Ah-Ha” moments.




Watch the knowledge & skills Video
Fill out the workbook
Listen to the Innercise audio once a day
Participate in the Neurogym Achievers Community on Facebook



This bonus was a recently recorded 3-day live event. Its purpose was to teach you different strategies, tactics, tools & systems for making millions in real estate, options trading, investing, and entrepreneurship.


If you have a lot of money, this training is excellent. I don’t, so once again, I wasn’t impressed with getting this as a bonus.


These videos are going to take some time to go through. Day 1 has 7 videos; Day 2 has 6, and Day 3, has 6. When I get to the end of watching them all, I’ll update this post.


Silohuette Girl Doing Yoga


Once again, I finished Level 11 successfully. I even participated in the private Facebook page.


Thumbs DownDidn’t Like About WTGOM Level 11

This is going to be a tough one. I spent about ten minutes thinking about what I didn’t like. Besides the bonus, I couldn’t come up with one thing. It’s the first time since I started the course, where I couldn’t find anything I didn’t like.


Prositive Reviews Thumbs UpLiked About WTGOM Level 11

I loved the audio. After completing the last 10 levels, I can see how this helps.


I was impressed with the Knowledge & Skills Video with John Assaraf. When he talked about the internal point of reference holding us back from increasing our wealth, it really hit home. I was more than shocked to hear 3 of the things I was doing was blocking me from more success.


My motivational level seems to increase every week. I’m shocked at how focused I am with working on my goals. I’m getting much more done now than I did before I started the program. I’m sure most of it has to do with the brain entrainment audios.



Brain Entrainment For A Wealthier Life






Winning The Game Of Money Lesson 12LEVEL 12 AUDIO: Mastering Your Money Focus


LEVEL 12 KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS VIDEO: Changing Your Money Story with John Assaraf (Part 2 of 2)



1. Knowledge & Skills Video: 34 min
2. Audio (Innercise): 14 minutes
3. Total Time Needed: 1st day – 90 minutes. I’m adding another 30 minutes to complete your workbook.
4. 2nd -7th day: 39 minutes – I know the audio is only 14 minutes, but I added in another 16 for the two things he asks you to do each day.



In level 12, John Assaraf gives you six crucial elements to follow to ensure your money story is successful. He gets you to write out your money story in 3rd person & read it every day. He also advises spending 5-10 minutes daily visualizing & emotionalizing what you want to accomplish.




Watch the knowledge & skills Video
Fill out the workbook
Listen to the Innercise audio once a day
Spend time visualizing & emotionalizing every day
Read over your money story every day
Participate in the Neurogym Achievers Community on Facebook


The Million-Dollar Success Library

This library consists of hand-picked video training, interviews, & past live events.


It consists of the following:


1. 9 Videos on Improving Your Business
2. 8 Videos on Increasing Your Wealth
3. All 12 Videos in the Winning The Game Of Money course.


Sun & Girl Doing Yoga


Once again, I finished Level 12 successfully. I even participated in the private FaceBook page.


Thumbs DownDidn’t Like About WTGOM level 12


I wasn’t impressed with part of the bonus. I’m sure many people will disagree with me. I just can’t see how this bonus can be considered as part of the million-dollar library. 1st, you already paid for the 12 videos in the course. 2nd, past live events can be watched on YouTube for free.


Prositive Reviews Thumbs UpLiked About Level 12 Of WTGOM


There was a lot of excellent advice on the last level of the course. John stressed that this is more or less a year-long process. Therefore, for the next nine months, you’re expected to continue with what you learned in the course.


I liked the fact that even though the course is over, he’s still there to help you. You still have access to his private Facebook group to ask for help or if you have any questions. You can always phone the office for extra support. The final thing I liked was that the audio was only 14 minutes long instead of 40.




First, I’ll give you a list of how it has helped me so far.


1. I’ve learned how to set up a game plan for success

2. The brain entrainment audios are of high quality & have helped a lot

3. I still can’t believe how focused I am at working towards my goal

4. I now know exactly where I went wrong in the past

5. I’ve learned how to stop procrastinating.

6. I’m still highly motivated & focused. I’m sure it’s due to the audios.


So far, Winning The Game of Money has been worth what I paid for it.




It’s now one year later since I enrolled in NeuroGym’s, Winning The Game Of Money. This review is getting quite long, so I decided to put my final results on a page by itself.

Winning The Game Of Money One Year Later.



Leave A Comment At Manifestation Portal


If you have any questions about Winning The Game Of Money level 9-12, leave your question below. Thank you for following me on my journey at the Manifestation Portal.

19 thoughts on “Winning The Game of Money Level 9-12

  1. Hi John,

    Thanks for taking an interest in my journey & leaving a comment. It’s been a year now since I’ve started the course. I’ll be giving everyone the details of my journey & the final outcome. I’ll be posting it on this page by August 11th at the latest. I just want to take my time writing it so I don’t miss anything out.

  2. Just curious of your progress and how you feel about this program now? I would like to hear your final thoughts and update on what your doing now and if you have stuck with it and has your procrastination crept back in or have you kept it at bay?

    Thanks for posting here for us all to see, I blasted through all your 12 weeks of posts in a few minutes and am anxious to find out the end results.

  3. Hi Mary,

    That is so nice of you to ask. I had picked August 5th as my end date because that’s actually my birthday. I’ll be going over my final results sometime this coming week & posting it here. It’ll be up no later than August 11th. I didn’t hit all the goals I had set but I’ll tell you what I did accomplish.

  4. Hi Mandy,

    Thanks for dropping by. John’s Brain-a-Thon is on his program, Winning The Game Of Money. I won’t be doing another review of it. I’m curious to see it there are other programs out there that are just as good as winning the game of money. Which ever one I decide to do next, Ill be doing a weekly review of that program.

  5. It’s August 2017! Please tell us what has happened in the past year and your recommendation of the program!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing this, Night Magic!
    i heard that John launched an other good program called(Brain-A-Thon):
    I hope you can do another review about it
    I’ve previously wanted so much to share your content from your website

  7. His YouTube videos are a good place to start. He does cover quite a bit of it in those videos. In the course, he more or less gives you step-by-step instructions & a lot more tips & tricks. What has helped me the most was his brain retraining audios (innercise). Also, there are 4 areas inside the vault that I find quite helpful too. He gives a live class Tuesday mornings that are beneficial. One Tuesday he mentioned that one of the mistakes people make is, they just listen to the audios & more or less expect miracles. You do have to do the work. In his course, he gives you the steps that you need to take to have success in whatever area of your life you’re working on.

  8. John gives a lot of tips on his youtube videos. Is it worth it to purchase the program or do his youtube videos cover the main key points?

  9. Hi Helen,

    I just heard back from NeuroGym today. I’m not sure why it took more than 24 hours for them to respond. They did say they would respond in less time than that. The $48.60 per month goes on continually until you cancel. Just so that you know, when you take Winning The Game of Money, only one level is unlocked per week. If you cancel the course in less than 30 days, all you would have been able to take is 4 out of the 12 levels. That was my main reason for saying 30 days wasn’t really enough time to know if it’s going to help you or not. If you stayed for the entire 12 levels that would end up costing you about $146. The only thing is if you cancel then you would lose access to the course. I guess you could always download everything so you wouldn’t loose it. When I purchased Winning The Game of Money, I paid $995 but I will be able to access it forever. Also, at the time I purchased it, they gave me access to all the bonuses plus the private facebook group for a year. At the end of the year, it will cost me $20 a month to still be able to get access to all the extra training John puts on from time to time, the facebook group & the vault.

    It all depends on your money situation. You can always wait to you can afford to pay the full price at the beginning. Just so that you know, he does promote Winning The Game of Money a few times throughout the year at the discounted price he’s offering now.

  10. HI, I thought I replied but cannot see my comment.
    Thank you so much for your help and comments and for enquiring NeuroGym
    I wish you all the best in achieving your goals! I look forward to reading you in August.

  11. I contacted NeuroGym to see how long one has to pay the $48.60. As soon as they get back to me, I’ll reply to your question again. I know there’s a one-time payment of $995. I know if you’re paying monthly it’ll end up costing more than that or that’s the way it worked for me when I purchased the course. They did say they would answer me in less than 24 hours.

    When it comes to John Assaraf’s private Facebook community, I do get a lot out of John’s video’s especially the ones he does every Tuesday morning. So far he has given away, what I think are, really good tips on what you can do when working towards your goals or what not to do. I do find they help me to stay motivated. There’s actually 2 more people in the group that I always read what they have to say. They’re Dave Sjolin & Mark Waldman (he’s a neuro scientist). The rest of the group (people who have purchased the course) are just more or less telling others what’s going on in their lives & providing inspirational quotes or inspirational videos. Some of them want the group’s opinion. I don’t get much out of that. I just read over comments or watch the videos from John, Dave & Mark. Also, you can waste a lot of time on social media. I’d rather spend that time working towards my goals. I’m not saying this group will help everyone but it is helping me. I truly believe Mindset & how much you put into it will tell you how successful you’ll be. That’s with a course or doing it on your own.

  12. You just have one workbook or John calls it a journal. It’s on-line only. You don’t get a physical book. For each of the levels, in Winning The Game Of Money, he has a video for you to watch. It’s in that video that he tells you what to write in your journal. Sometimes they’re answers to his questions, your goals, the steps you’re going to take to reach your goals & a bunch of other things. Only you can see what you’ve written. I actually made my own physical journal. The only reason being that it was a lot quicker to access rather than logging into NeuroGym & bringing it up to read over my goals every day. You don’t have to do that. It was just one of the things that I came up with, for myself, to do to stay focused. What I liked about John Assaraf was that not only does he tell you what to write in your journal, he tells you why it’s important & how this is going to help you be successful.

  13. Thank YOU so much for the information, and for contacting NeuroGym, I really appreciate your review and help and I look forward to reading your story, updated in August.
    I wish all the best :)

  14. Sorry. One more question, are the workbooks you mentioned given at each level (like a file), or they are illustrated through the videos?

  15. Hi! Thank your for your reply.

    I did not understand for how many months the 48.60 dollars will be charged.

    Btw, I don’t really believe that after taking the course I will become a millionaire :)

    I am not really interested in the bonuses either.

    But I think the audios can be a good help to stay focused and motivated (just like you wrote). I AM a firm believer that the right mind set of your thoughts can greatly positively influence your life and the circumstances (coincidences do not exist, I believe).

    Conclusively, given that you praise the audios, not so much the bonuses, I was wondering if you found the Facebook community something “vital” (or the fact that you could email them). You wrote yes but I was wondering to what extent

    Thank you again and well done for your achievements so far! I wish you that you reach your goals and I am sure you will :) (to buy a house without a mortgage IS a big one:)

  16. Hi Helen,
    I’ll tell you how it has helped me first & then if I think it’s worth the money. I’ve been following Winning The Game Of Money every day since I purchased it. I’ve noticed a lot of improvements in my life so far. Do keep in mind, just because I’ve noticed these improvements in my life doesn’t mean that everyone will. Improvements like coming up with a plan & schedule & sticking with it. Staying highly focused on my goals is another one. It’s imperative to stay focused on your goals every day to speed up your success. John’s course has helped me to get organized & stay that way. It has helped me put an end to procrastination or coming up with all sorts of excuses to put my goals on hold. Excuses like I just don’t have time for it today or I’m too tired. My motivational level is still high. I’m much more relaxed & almost always in a positive frame of mind. I don’t get irritated over a lot of things like I used too. Ideas for increasing my finances seem to keep popping up which they didn’t before. I’m sure my success so far has a lot to do with the Brain Retraining audios. The above is just off the top of my head. I’m probably forgetting some ways in which the course has helped me.

    In the past few months, I can’t say that I made a huge sum of money. I did give myself until August of 2017 for my goal date. I have increased my finances & have come up with many more ideas that I can incorporate to increase them some more. One of my goals was to have enough money to purchase a house without taking out a mortgage. I’m getting there but I still have a ways to go.

    What I liked about the course is that it’s a step-by-step guide on how to do things. Also, the fact that I can phone or e-mail them if I don’t understand something or if I’m having problems was a bonus to me. Many people get so overwhelmed because they don’t know where to start or even what to do or how to get there.

    Now for the bad. I honestly don’t know where they get what the free bonuses are worth. There’s no way I would pay that much for them. Many of them were of no use to me as I explained in my review. Without the brain retraining audios, I’m not sure if I would have spent that much money. Those audios have really helped me a lot. My advice to you would be, if it means that you’re taking food off your table or you won’t have enough money to pay your bills at the end of the month, then DON’T GET IT. Please wait to you do have the money.

    When it comes to the Law of Attraction, it is possible to do it on your own. You wouldn’t have the audios but it’s still possible. If you’re the type of person that doesn’t have trouble staying focused, can stay highly motivated, can stop procrastination & can come up with some kind of schedule to follow to reach your goals, you’ll see success. It’s just easier when you have someone guiding you through it. When I started with the Law of Attraction, I had to start with the do-it-yourself method. I just couldn’t afford any of the courses. Doing it on your own does work.

    John has a special out right now. It goes until the end of March 2017. You can try the course for 2 weeks for $1.00. After that it’s 48.60 a month. He also gives you 30 days to cancel with a full refund. That’s the dollar you paid plus the 48.60. To be honest, 30 days IS NOT long enough to see results. I’ll put the link below. There’s also an add in the top right-hand corner of my website that offers the special. Whatever you decide, all the best to you & may 2017 be your Best Year Ever.

  17. Hi! Thank you for the review!! almost 4 months have passed since your last comment. What are your impressions with the program today? I am really interested but it is a bit expensive for me at the moment.Thank you!

  18. Thanks for leaving a comment, Monica. I totally agree with you. I think he should have made shorter audios for when you’re finished the 12 weeks. I do the visualization every day & read over what my goals are on top of the audios. I do believe it’s the constant reminder that really helps me to stay focused on my money goals. As for the audios, I just listen to the ones I like the most, especially Accelerated Wealth re-programming 1,2,& 3. I’ve got them all marked as to when to start. I skip over the introductory. As for falling asleep, that’s a big problem for me because they’re so long. I usually do them when I’m eating my breakfast. I’m afraid that’s the only way I can stay awake. I know I won’t fall asleep if I’m sitting up. I’m really going to go full force at this program for a year. Because of health issues, I’ve had to retire a lot earlier than I had expected.

  19. Thanks for the great comments. I follow the course and I also find it hard to listen 40 minutes everyday. I wish he made one long audio and then 6 shorter ones because he’s repeating all the time the same introduction.
    I too can see that I’m more focused but I did not spend so much time on visualizations, I merely listened to the audio’s. You say that you will continue listening to the audio’s but are you than listening all over again or just the ones you prefer?

    Dit you ever have a problem falling asleep during the audio’s?

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